Tell a Joke Day

Next Saturday, 16 August 2025

Attention, punsters and punchline enthusiasts! August 16th is your golden ticket to unleash your inner comedian, because it's Tell a Joke Day!

Today is the only day when laughter should be the only reaction and bad jokes and absurd humor fills the room. A day when the goal is to make your friends and family have jaw pains from laughing too hard.

Yes, yes, for those of you who love being the court jester, today is your day!

Man in vibrant joker costume speaking

Who Started Tell a Joke Day

This day was created by Wayne Reinagel in 1994. However, his motivation behind this day was not to brighten the day of his neighbors, nothing like that! He just wanted to promote his joke books.

But the idea caught on with the people and every year, on August 16th, humor floods the streets to fill our dark monotonous lives with laughter and color.

What could be more contagious than a good laugh?

How to Celebrate Tell a Joke Day

The key to celebrating this day is simple: tell jokes. And it doesn't matter if you're funny or not. You don't have to be a professional comedian. What matters is the intention and the laughs you manage to get out of it. If you can make one person smile, it's worth it.

Here is some advice to make your Tell a Joke Day a success:

  • Choose The Best Jokes: Your selection of jokes should be good. It should feature everything from the classics to the most current and viral ones.
  • Be spontaneous: Sometimes the funniest jokes are the improvised ones which are said aloud at the right moment.
  • Engage with your audience: Pay attention to your audience. If you notice that a certain type of joke isn’t working, change your tactics. The important thing is to make them laugh.
  • Use Social Media: Do not forget to share jokes and memes on social media. Make them laugh even in cyberspace.
  • Organize a Joke Contest: If you're with friends or family, organize a joke contest. The funniest one will be crowned "King of Tell a Joke Day".

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